earths internal energy

Cards (13)

  • Igneous rocks are formed from the solidification of molten material, either magma or lava.
  • heat is measured within the earth through mines and boreholes
  • the interior of the earth is hot due to a process called accretion, gravitational attraction of material towards earth, the impacts of gpe were released as thermal energy, this heat has not escaped because the lithosphere is a good insulater
  • the interior is also hot due to radioactive decay of isotopes like potassium, uranium and thorium that occur in the mantle and crust
  • the outer core was made as siderophile elements sank towards the core and the loss of gpe was enough to melt them
  • the change in state from molten outercore to solid inner core, this releases heat and the inner core grows by 0.5mm a year
  • the main silicate minerals in the lithosphere do not conduct heat well so it traps heat in the mantle
  • convection moves heat around the mantle
  • advection is magma and hot water rising through the crust, the heat is carried by the movement of physical matter
  • geotherm: a line that shows how temp changes with depth in our planet
  • thermal heat flux: the rate of heat transfer per unit of time
  • geothermal gradient: the increase in earths temp with depth
  • the equation for geothermal gradient: changeintemperature/changeindepthchange in temperature/change in depth