Sherif's Classic Study

Cards (13)

  • What were the Aims of Sherif et al.'s study?

    To explore how competition and frustration of a group's goals can lead to unfavorable stereotyping and prejudice attitudes towards a group
  • What was the type of study?
    Field experiment
  • What was the Independent Variable?

    The atmosphere of the camp
  • What was the Dependent Variable?

    The number of friends that were in the Outgroup
  • What was the sample?

    Middle-class, Protestant, 11-year old boys from Oklahoma, USA
  • What was the procedure?
    • Get consent from parents and children's doctors
    • Divide boys into groups, making sure they had equal levels of intelligence and sporting ability
    • Collect Qualitative and Quantitative results via Covert Observations, Ranked Scales and Questionnaires
  • What was Stage 1?

    Group Formation - The groups took part in non-competitive activities like canoeing, tent pitching and fire starting so that they could build a bond with their Ingroups
  • What was Stage 2?

    Friction - Each group learned about each other's existence, and a sports tournament was introduced, with a prize of medals and trophies. The activities were basketball, tug of war and tent pitching. Extra points were awarded for clean cabins and treasure hunts
  • What was Stage 3?

    Reducing Friction - Social Contact tasks were introduced, and later Subordinate Goal tasks
  • What were the findings of Stage 1?

    The groups called themselves "The Rattlers" and "The Eagles". The social norms became apparent: Rattlers were tough and swore a lot, Eagles cried when injured and were against swearing
  • What were the findings of Stage 2?

    Hostility was apparent during basketball. Name calling, fights, raids and even the burning of the others flag took place. Ranked Scales showed the Ingroup thought themselves as tough and friendly, and the Outgroup as conniving
    6.4% of Rattler's friends were Eagles
    7.5% of Eagle's friends were Rattlers
  • What were the findings of Stage 3?

    Social Contact tasks such as watching a movie together wasn't effective . The first subordinate task of fixing water supply led to insults, but the second task of starting up a broken truck led to the groups making dinner together. On the last night they entertained each other around the fire, and left on the same bus as friends
    36.4% of Rattler's friends were Eagles
    23.2% of Eagle's friends were Rattlers
  • What is the conclusion?
    • Competition leads to Intergroup Favoritism and Outgroup hostility
    • Social Contact tasks weren't enough, but Subordinate Goal Tasks were