Biological research methods

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  • FMRI scans use a powerful magnetic field radio frequency that produces detailed pictures of brain structure
  • FMRI produces images of brain activity and functioning by showing the metabolic change that take place in an active part of the brain
  • Firm detects the changes in blood oxygenation. When our brain is more accurate it consumes more oxygen and an increase of demand of blood flow
  • BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent). High bold contrast can prove it has a role in producing the behaviour
  • Advantages of FMRI scans
    • Non invasive
    • Doesn't expose radiation like pet and cat scans
    • Its very precise
  • Weaknesses of FMRI scans
    • Can't look at the actual receptors of neurotransmitters unlike PET
    • Analysing and interpreting is skilful
    • High quality images are only acquired if patient remains perfectly still
  • CAT scans use X-rays to create a 3d structural image of the brain. It records the amount of radiation being absorbed in a doughnut shaped machine
  • CAT scanning can check for
    • brain tumours
    • Bleeding, brain injury and skull fractures
    • Diseases and malformations
  • Strengths of CAT scanning
    • Less harmful than PET
    • Its non invasive and not painful
    • Extremely detailed images - precise link to a cognitive disfunction and which area of the brain caused it
    • Less sensitive to movement
  • Weaknesses of CAT
    • Slight chance of cancer
    • Doesn't pick up on membranes covering the brain
  • PET scans use a radiotracer (radioactive glucose) to see which part of the brain accumulates more glucose
  • PET scans are used for
    • Evaluating brain abnormalities
    • Map normal human brain functions