Psychological effects

Cards (6)

  • De-individuation
    • Seen in the Stanford Prison Experiment - loss of individual and self
    • Increased aggression and treating people in inhuman ways
  • Mental health issues
    • Depression, anxiety, suicide
    • Abramson et al. - depression caused by helplessness and hopelessness
    • Depression may lead to self-harm or suicide - single young men within their first 24 hours of incarceration are most at risk
  • Overcrowding and lack of privacy
    • 25% of prisoners are in overcrowded accommodation (two-thirds are overcrowded)
    • Inevitable effect on psychological state of prisoners
    • Calhoun - rats showed overcrowding led to increased aggression, hypersexuality, stress and physical illness
  • Effects on the family
    • Children with incarcerated parents are deeply affected financially and psychologically
    • Parents in prison may also feel guilt and separation anxiety - Glover
  • Institutionalisation
    Inmates have become so accustomed to daily prison life that they cannot function outside, and so often reoffend
  • Prisonisation
    Prisoners are socialised into an 'inmate code' - behaviour considered unacceptable outside is encouraged and rewarded inside prison