Strategiesmales use to select females or females use to select males
Who is inter-sexual selection the preferred strategy of?
Who pointed out females make a greater investment of time and commitment during and after the birth of her offspring?
What did Trivers point out?
Females make a greaterinvestment of time and commitmentduring and after thebirth of her offspring
Why does it pay for the female to be especially selective?
Consequences of wrong partnermore serious
It is the female preference which determines which features are passed on to offspring
What is the runaway process?
Where characteristics are graduallyexaggerated over generations
Who developed the 'Sexy sons hypothesis'?
What hypothesis did Fisher propose?
The 'sexy sons hypothesis'
What is the 'Sexy sons hypothesis' proposed by Fisher?
The genes we see today are those that enhancedreproductivesuccess - a female who mates with a male who has a certaincharacteristic will then have sons who inherit this 'sexy'trait; sons more likely to be selected by successive generations