
Cards (10)

  • Ethical Guidelines:
    1. Respect the autonomy, privacy and dignity of Individual
    2. Scientific integrity
    3. Social responsibility
    4. Maximising benefit while minimising harm
  • Ethical Issues:
    1. informed consent
    2. right to withdraw
    3. protection from harm
    4. confidentiality
    5. debriefing
  • Informed consent is when the participant is aware if the researches aim, consequence and risk of harm
    (can be given by a guardian)
  • Right to withdraw is when the participant is aware they may leave the research at any point and can withdraw any personal data collected
  • Protection form harm is when the researcher must not psychologically risk well-being, physical health, personal values or dignity
  • Confidentiality is when personal data must be kept secure and not published
  • Debriefing is done by a researcher to ensure the participant is aware of the results and also check if the participant has gained any harm form the study
  • Deal of the issue of consent by:
    • prior general consent
    • Retroactive consent
    • Presumptive consent
  • Deal of the issue of debriefing by:
    • revealing deceptions
    • reminding participant of right to withdraw
    • check for harm
  • Deal of the issue of Cost benefit analysis:
    • comparing cost to participant harm with the potential benefit of research to society