AO3: Sexual selection

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Research support for inter-sexual selection
    What? Evidence supporting female choosiness
    Who? Clark and Hatfield - male and female students asked opposite gender 'Would you go to bed with me?' - no female participant agreed; 75% of males agreed
    Why? Supports females are choosier
  • Counterpoint: Research support for inter-sexual selection
    What? Too simplistic
    Who? Buss and Schmitt - Sexual strategies theory; males and females have similar strategies
    Why? More complex view
  • Strength: Research support for intra-sexual selection
    What? Evidence supporting sexual selection theory
    Who? Buss - survey of 10,000 adults; females valued resource-related characteristics - males valued physical attractiveness
    Why? Consistent sex differences in partner preferences
  • Limitation: Social/cultural influences underestimated
    What? Evolutionary theories overlook social and cultural factors
    Who? Bereczkei et al. - social change has consequences for women's mate preferences + changing social norms shaped partner preferences - availability of contraception
    Why? Partner preferences combination of evolutionary and cultural influences