Theme 2 Unit 7

Cards (148)

  • proteger los bosques = protect the woods
  • salvar el ártico = save the arctic
  • el planeta = the planet
  • combatir el cambio climático = to fight climate change
  • defender nuestros océanos = defend our oceans
  • promover la paz = promote peace
  • gente como tu = people like you
  • que pasar a la acción = to take action
  • juntos ganamos = together we win
  • el medio ambiente = the environment
  • reutilizar = to reuse
  • reducir = to reduce
  • reciclar = to recycle
  • la contaminación = the pollution
  • causar = to cause
  • relacionado con = related to
  • el tráfico = the traffic
  • un problema = a problem
  • tirar en el suelo = to throw it on the floor
  • fábricas = factories
  • la basura = the rubbish
  • hacer algo = to do something
  • las latas = the tins/cans
  • el cartón = the cardboard
  • el plástico = the plastic
  • el vidrio = the glass
  • energía = energy
  • ahorrar = to save
  • el transporte público = the public transport
  • pilas recargables = rechargeable batteries
  • productos químicos = chemical products
  • seperar = to seperate
  • cerrar = to close
  • cerrar los grifos = to turn off the taps
  • me ducho en vez de bañarme = I shower instead of having a bath
  • la calefacción = the heating
  • poner nuestro granito de arena = to do our bit
  • me preocupa mucho = I worry a lot
  • el malgasto = the waste
  • me fastidia = it irritates me