Definitions of abnormality

Cards (12)

  • Deviation from social norms is a way of defining abnormality, when behaviours go against the behaviours or beliefs shared by a society
  • Faliure to function adequately is a way to define abnormality, when someone cannot cope with the tasks of daily living
  • Statistical infrequency is a way of defining abnormal behaviour, when someone's behaviour is uncommon in the general population
  • Ideal mental health is a way of defining abnormality, and includes:
    Healthy self attitudes
    Personal growth
    Able to cope with stress
    Accurate perception of reality
    Able to have relationships/enjoy leisue
  • Jahoda created the ideal mental health criteria
  • One weakness of statistical infrequency is that some rare traits are desirable [high IQ]
  • A weakness of statistical infrequency is that some disorders are not statistically rare [depression]
  • A weakness of deviation from social norms is that social norms change over time, e.g. views on homosexuality
  • One weakness of faliure to function is that some maladaptive behaviours are not a sign of abnormality [smoking]
  • A strength of faliure to function is that it recognises the patients perspective and how it affects their daily life .
  • One Weakness of ideal mental health is that it is difficult to achieve all 6 criteria. Most people would be judged as abnormal.
  • One strength of deviation from ideal mental health is its positive and holistic approach to diagnosis