Domestic Violence

Cards (13)

  • Women's Aid Federation stated that domestic violence accounted for 1/4 of all violent crime
  • Crime Survey for England and Wales found almost 2 million people had reported being victims of domestic violence
  • There are clear social patterns of domestic violence, such as women being more likely victims of it by the hands of men
  • Coleman and Osborne found 2 women a week are killed by a partner or ex-partner (1/3 of all female murder victims)
  • Dobash and Dobash's research of 109 unstructured interviews of victims of domestic assault in Scotland found incidents of violence was triggered by women challenging the male partner's authority
  • There is believed to be a dark figure of domestic violence
  • Yearnshire found women experience 35 assault from their partner before filing a report
  • Dar argues that it is difficult to know the number of domestic violence victims as victims do not report as they believe it is too trivial and police won't take it seriously
  • Cheal argues that police and other state agencies assume the family is a private sphere and do not get involved with domestic violence
  • Official Crime Statistics show between 2006-2011 the conviction rates for incidents of domestic violence reported to police was only 6.5%
  • Radical Feminists say it is inherent of men to do violent acts against women
  • Marxist Feminists say domestic violence is to express the anger of capitalism out on women
  • Materialistic Perspective (Wilkinson & Pickett) stress that the family with more social inequality is more likely to have cases of domestic violence so domestic violence will decrease is caring relationships