Cards (94)

  • What disease is mentioned in the environment theme?
  • What food is associated with the environment theme that is a staple crop?
  • Which food mentioned in the environment theme is used to make chocolate?
  • What vegetable is listed under the environment theme?
  • Which animal is mentioned in the environment theme?
  • What grain is included in the environment theme?
  • What exchange is associated with the economy theme?
    Columbian Exchange
  • What trade involving forced labor is mentioned in the economy theme?
    Transatlantic slave trade
  • What term refers to sugar plantations in the economy theme?
  • What type of crop is referred to in the economy theme?
    Cash crop
  • What term is associated with the government theme regarding territorial control?
  • What crop is mentioned in the government theme that is significant for trade?
  • What group of explorers is mentioned in the society theme?
  • What cultural term refers to the dispersion of Africans?
    African Diaspora
  • What term describes people of mixed European and African descent?
  • What dish is associated with African culture in the study material?
  • What is the term for the exchange of crops, animals, and ideas between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
    Columbian Exchange
  • What crops were exchanged from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere?
    • Sugar
    • Wheat
    • Barley
    • Okra
  • What is one effect of the Columbian Exchange on the Western Hemisphere related to agriculture?
    Deforestation for crop cultivation
  • How did soil depletion occur in the Western Hemisphere due to the Columbian Exchange?
    From growing the same crops repeatedly
  • What crops were introduced to the Western Hemisphere?
    • Rice
    • Oranges
    • Grapes
    • Lettuce
    • Coffee
  • Which animals were introduced to the Western Hemisphere during the Columbian Exchange?
    Horses, oxen, pigs, cattle, sheep
  • What environmental issue arose from overgrazing by introduced animals in the Western Hemisphere?
    Soil erosion
  • What was one consequence of the spread of diseases during the Columbian Exchange?
    Millions of deaths among Native Americans
  • What diseases were introduced to the Western Hemisphere?
    • Smallpox
    • Measles
    • Typhus
    • Bubonic plague
    • Influenza
  • What social structure emerged in the Western Hemisphere as a result of the Columbian Exchange?
    Social structures based on race and ethnicity
  • What crops were exchanged from the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere?
    • Potatoes
    • Maize
    • Manioc
    • Tobacco
    • Cacao
    • Peanuts
  • What was one positive effect of the Columbian Exchange on the Eastern Hemisphere?
    Better nutrition
  • Which animal was introduced to the Eastern Hemisphere from the Western Hemisphere?
  • What was one health-related consequence of the Columbian Exchange for the Eastern Hemisphere?
    Increased health risks
  • What people were involved in the exchange from the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere?
    • Native Americans
    • Ethnic diversity
  • What was the significance of rubber in the context of the Columbian Exchange?
    First used as an eraser
  • What role did quinine play in the Columbian Exchange?
    Provided a treatment for malaria
  • What were the overall effects of the Columbian Exchange on both hemispheres?
    • Introduction of new crops and animals
    • Changes in social structures
    • Spread of diseases
    • Environmental impacts
    • Improved nutrition and health in some areas
  • What was the primary cause of dramatic changes between Afro-Eurasia and the Americas?
    The Columbian Exchange
  • How did Europeans use agricultural land differently than American Indians?
    Europeans used it more intensively
  • What agricultural practice did colonists employ that affected the environment?
    They cut down trees for planting crops
  • What environmental problems arose in the Americas due to European agricultural practices?
    Deforestation and soil depletion
  • How did European settlement patterns differ from those of American Indians?
    Europeans lived in more densely populated communities
  • What were the consequences of increased population density among Europeans in the Americas?
    Strain on water resources and pollution