Cards (146)

  • What is expected of all nurses in patient care?
    Provision of patient-centered nursing care
  • Why is the work environment important for nurses?
    To ensure quality and safety of patient care
  • What is essential for addressing individualized patient care?
    Theory-based nursing practice and patient safety model
  • How can theory-based nursing practice help nurses?
    By describing, explaining, and predicting interventions
  • What does the holistic approach view clients as?
    Wholes in dynamic interaction
  • What characterizes an open system?
    Continuous flow of input, process, output, and feedback
  • What does the function or process of a client system involve?
    Exchanging energy, information, and matter with the environment
  • What are input and output for a client system?
    Exchanged matter, energy, and information
  • What is feedback in a system?
    Output serving as input for corrective action
  • What is negentropy?
    Energy conservation increasing organization and stability
  • What does entropy refer to?
    Energy depletion and disorganization moving toward illness
  • What is stability in the context of nursing?
    A state of balance requiring energy exchanges
  • What is the goal of the nursing profession?
    The end the member strives to achieve
  • Who is considered a beneficiary in nursing?
    A person or group receiving professional care
  • What does the role of a nurse refer to?
    The societal function of the professional
  • What is a source of difficulty in nursing?
    The probable origin of the client's difficulty
  • What are interventions in nursing?
    The focus of the professional's attention
  • What are consequences in nursing?
    The results of the professional's efforts
  • What does culture care theory emphasize?
    Providing beneficial care for clients from a culture
  • What does culture care universality refer to?
    Commonly shared care practices
  • What is caring in nursing?
    Actions and attitudes to assist others toward healing
  • What is generic care?
    Learned and transmitted local knowledge
  • What is professional care?
    Formal knowledge and practices learned through education
  • What does culture refer to?
    Learned and shared values and beliefs
  • What is culture care?
    Synthesis of care and culture guiding research
  • What is culturally congruent care?
    Culturally based care fitting clients' values
  • What does culture care diversity refer to?
    Variabilities in cultural care beliefs and practices
  • What is worldview in nursing?
    Perspective influencing care and decisions
  • What are cultural and social structural dimensions?
    Dynamic patterns of structured cultural features
  • What does environmental context refer to?
    Totality of factors giving meaning to experiences
  • What is ethnohistory?
    Sequence of past events affecting culture
  • What does emic refer to?
    Insider cultural knowledge and views
  • What does etic refer to?
    Outsider views on cultural phenomena
  • What does the Neuman Systems Model reflect?
    Nursing's interest in holistic systems and health
  • What do clients and nurses do in the Neuman Systems Model?
    Partner to set goals and identify information
  • What are client systems viewed as in the Neuman Systems Model?
    Composites of interacting variables
  • What disciplines does Neuman's model synthesize knowledge from?
    Several disciplines including mental health nursing
  • What does Gestalt theory describe?
    Homeostasis as maintaining equilibrium
  • What does De Chardin's philosophy emphasize?
    Wholeness of life
  • What does Marx's philosophy state?
    Properties of parts are determined by wholes