Cards (127)

  • What supports most of the weight of the legs and body?
  • What is the role of the fibula?
    It acts as a support to the tibia
  • What bones make up the foot?
    • Seven tarsal bones
    • Talus
    • Calcaneus
    • Navicular
  • What does the talus articulate with?
    Tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint
  • What is the largest and longest bone in the foot?
  • Where is the calcaneus located?
    Inferiorly to the talus
  • What shape is the navicular bone?
    Boat shaped
  • What does the navicular lie between?
    Talus posteriorly and cuneiforms anteriorly
  • What are the types of joints in the body?
    • Ball-and-socket
    • Hinge
    • Pivot
  • How does a ball-and-socket joint function?
    Round end of bone fits snugly within another
  • Give an example of a ball-and-socket joint.
    Head of the femur and acetabulum
  • What type of movement do ball-and-socket joints allow?
    Multiaxial movement
  • What prevents bones in a ball-and-socket joint from sliding past each other?
    Fluids within the joint
  • What is the movement characteristic of hinge joints?
    Movement in one direction or uniaxially
  • Give examples of hinge joints.
    Knee and elbow
  • What is the smallest muscle in the body?
  • How does a pivot joint function?
    Bone resting atop another allowing free movement
  • What is the largest muscle in the body?
    Gluteus Maximus
  • How many muscles are there in the human body?
    About 650 muscles
  • What are the functions of the muscular system?
    1. Body Movement
    2. Maintenance of Posture
    3. Respiration
    4. Production of Body Heat
    5. Communication
    6. Constriction of organs and vessels
    7. Heart Beat
  • What is the role of skeletal muscles in body movement?
    Contraction of skeletal muscles enables movement
  • How do skeletal muscles maintain posture?
    By constantly maintaining tone
  • What muscles are responsible for respiration?
    Muscles of the thorax
  • How do skeletal muscles contribute to body heat production?
    Heat is released as a by-product of contraction
  • What is the normal body temperature range?
    36-37 degrees Celsius
  • What temperature indicates a fever?
    38 degrees Celsius
  • What temperature indicates a mild fever?
    37.5 degrees Celsius
  • How do skeletal muscles aid in communication?
    Involved in speaking, writing, and gesturing
  • What is the role of smooth muscle in organs and vessels?
    Causes constriction to propel and mix substances
  • How does cardiac muscle contribute to the heart's function?
    Causes the heart to beat and pump blood
  • What are the types of muscle tissue?
    1. Skeletal
    2. Smooth
    3. Cardiac
  • What is the appearance of skeletal muscle?
    Striated, long, and cylindrical
  • What percentage of body weight does skeletal muscle constitute?
    About 40%
  • What functions does skeletal muscle perform?
    Locomotion, facial expressions, posture
  • How does the nervous system control skeletal muscles?
    Voluntarily controls their functions
  • What is the appearance of smooth muscle?
    Non-striated and spindle-shaped
  • Where is smooth muscle found?
    In walls of hollow organs and blood vessels
  • What functions does smooth muscle perform?
    Propelling urine and mixing food
  • What is the appearance of cardiac muscle?
    Cylindrical, branched, and striated
  • Where is cardiac muscle found?
    Only in the heart