Different countries have different social policies for the Family
The Russian Divorce and Abortion policy was promoting equality in the 1920s, but in 1930s it had to become industrialised so ensured women stayed at home while men worked
In 2008, Russia introduced the Order of Parental Glory which was a medal for 7+ children
China's One Child Policy was to control population growth
Wilson says that China's One Child Policy meant women had to seek permission to have children and there was family planning committees
(Nazi) Germany'sTwo Fold Policy mean women were taken out of the workforce
(Nazi) Germany'sTwo Fold Policy also meant 375k disabled people were sterilised and later killed to not have children
RomanianEnforced Baby Boom was created due to a low birth rate
The RomanianForced Baby Boom meant that abortion became illegal and divorce impossible
The RomanianEnforced Baby Boom meant 10 thousand deaths as a result
Swedish Family Policies have moved towards men and women being equally responsible for the family
Swedish Family Policy was favoured by Drew as it meant a move in EU family planning
Drew says that Europe is going from Familistic to Individualistic gender regimes
Familistic Gender Regimes means the state supports the traditional family
Individualistic Gender Regimes place focus on treating both partners equally