Cards (43)

  • What is the textbook definition of statistics?

    Collection, analysis, and interpretation of data
  • How does the working definition of statistics differ from the textbook definition?
    It includes organization and summary of data
  • What are the two divisions of statistics?
    1. Descriptive Statistics
    2. Inferential Statistics
  • What does descriptive statistics involve?
    Collection, organization, and summary of data
  • What is the focus of inferential statistics?
    Analysis and interpretation of population data
  • What is the purpose of descriptive statistics?
    Summarizing characteristics of a data set
  • How does a box plot describe data?
    It describes the shape of the distribution
  • How can categorical data be summarized?
    • Year Level
    • Number of Students
  • What are the measures of central tendency?
    1. Mean
    2. Median
    3. Mode
  • What does the mean represent in a data set?
    Arithmetic average of the data values
  • How is the median determined in a data set?
    It is the middle value when ordered
  • What does the mode indicate in a data set?
    Most frequently appearing value
  • What are the measures of dispersion?
    1. Range
    2. Variance
    3. Standard Deviation
    4. Interquartile Range (IQR)
    5. Coefficient of Variation
  • What are the measures of location in statistics?
    1. Quartiles
    2. Deciles
    3. Percentiles
  • What are the measures of shape in statistics?
    1. Skewness
    2. Kurtosis
  • What does skewness measure in a distribution?
    Asymmetry of the distribution shape
  • What does kurtosis indicate about a distribution?
    Peakness or flatness of the distribution
  • What are the measures of association in statistics?
    • Correlation
    • Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
    • Spearman Rank-order correlation coefficient
  • How does sample size affect margin of error?
    Lower sample size increases margin of error
  • What are the methods for determining sample size?
    1. Conduct a census
    2. Use a sample size from a similar study
    3. Use a table for sample sizes
    4. Use a sample size calculator
    5. Use Slovin’s Formula
  • What does Slovin's Formula help determine?
    Sample size based on population size
  • What are the types of probability sampling?
    1. Simple Random Sampling
    2. Stratified Random Sampling
    3. Systematic Sampling
    4. Cluster Sampling
    5. Multi-stage Sampling
  • What are the types of non-probability sampling?
    1. Convenience Sampling
    2. Quota Sampling
    3. Dimensional Sampling
    4. Purposive/Judgemental Sampling
    5. Snowball/Referral Sampling
  • What are the methods for collecting data?
    1. Survey
    2. Registration Method
    3. Experiment
    4. Observation
  • What is the purpose of a hypothesis?
    To express an idea needing proof
  • What are the types of hypothesis?
    1. Null Hypothesis (H0)
    2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha or H1)
  • What does the null hypothesis express?
    Claim being made, often disproven
  • How is the alternative hypothesis expressed?
    As an inequality using , >, or <
  • What is a Type I error?
    Rejecting null hypothesis when true
  • What is a Type II error?
    Accepting null hypothesis when false
  • What does the level of significance represent?
    Probability of committing a Type I error
  • What does a level of significance of 0.05 indicate?
    5% error tolerance in decision making
  • What are the types of tests based on the alternative hypothesis?
    1. Two-tailed test
    2. One-tailed test
  • What is the purpose of a two-tailed test?
    To check for any difference between groups
  • What does a one-tailed test assess?
    Whether one group is better or worse
  • What are the types of questions in statistical tests?
    1. Question of Comparison
    2. Question of Relationship
    3. Question of Prediction
  • What is the focus of a question of comparison?
    To determine if groups differ
  • What is the focus of a question of relationship?
    To see if one group affects another
  • What is the focus of a question of prediction?
    To see how changing one variable affects another
  • What is the hypothesis testing procedure?
    1. Formulate hypotheses
    2. Compute statistical test
    3. Make a decision
    4. Draw a conclusion