Cards (48)

  • What is a hypothesis?
    A statement needing proof as true or false
  • What are the types of hypotheses?
    • Null Hypothesis
    • Alternative Hypothesis (Research Hypothesis)
  • What is the null hypothesis denoted by?
  • What does the null hypothesis express?
    Non-significant difference
  • How is the null hypothesis expressed?
    As an equality: 1st value = 2nd value
  • What does the null hypothesis state about distributions?
    They are equal when compared
  • What is the alternative hypothesis denoted by?
    Ha or H1
  • What does the alternative hypothesis express?
    Significant difference
  • How is the alternative hypothesis expressed?
    As an inequality using , >, or <
  • What does the alternative hypothesis state about distributions?
    They are not equal, greater, or less than
  • What are the types of errors in hypothesis testing?
    • Type I (α – error)
    • Type II (β – error)
  • What happens in a Type I error?
    Null hypothesis is rejected when true
  • What happens in a Type II error?
    Null hypothesis is accepted when false
  • What is the level of significance denoted by?
    Alpha, α
  • What does the level of significance represent?
    Probability of committing a Type I error
  • What does a level of significance of 0.05 mean?
    5% error tolerance in decision
  • What confidence level corresponds to a 5% significance level?
    95% confidence level
  • What determines the type of test to use in hypothesis testing?
    • Based on the alternative hypothesis
    • Types of tests:
    1. Two-tailed Test
    2. One-tailed Test
  • What is a two-tailed test used for?
    To know if there is a difference
  • How is a two-tailed test indicated?
    Using in the alternative hypothesis
  • What is a one-tailed test used for?
    To know if one group is better or worse
  • How is a one-tailed test indicated?
    Using < or > in the alternative hypothesis
  • What is a one-tailed test with a negative critical value used for?
    To know if one group is worse
  • How is a one-tailed test with a negative critical value indicated?
    Using < in the alternative hypothesis
  • What is a one-tailed test with a positive critical value used for?
    To know if one group is better
  • How is a one-tailed test with a positive critical value indicated?
    Using > in the alternative hypothesis
  • What are common questions asked in research?
    1. Question of comparison
    2. Question of relationship significance
    3. Question of prediction
  • What are the types of statistical tests for comparison?
    1. z-Test
    2. t-Test
    3. ANOVA
    4. F-Test
  • What is the formula for the F-Test?
    F = bigger variance / smaller variance
  • What tests are used for significance of relationship or association?
    • Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient
    • Spearman Rank-Order Correlation Coefficient
  • What is used for forecasting or predicting?
    Linear Regression
  • What are the steps in the hypothesis testing procedure?
    1. Formulate hypotheses
    2. Statistical test computation
    3. Decision making
    4. Conclusion
  • What is the first step in hypothesis testing?
    Formulate the Null (H0) and Alternative (Ha) hypotheses
  • What is the second step in hypothesis testing?
    Statistical test computation and summary of results
  • What is the third step in hypothesis testing?
    Decision making based on critical value or p-value
  • What is the fourth step in hypothesis testing?
    Answer the question posed in the problem
  • What is the z-Test used for?
    To compare a group with the existing norm
  • When can the z-Test be used?
    When population standard deviation, σ, is known
  • What is the minimum sample size for using the z-Test?
    n 30
  • What are the assumptions of the z-Test?
    1. Data is continuous
    2. Data is normally distributed
    3. Independence of observations
    4. Known population standard deviation
    5. Sufficiently large data size (n ≥ 30)