Ultradian rhythms

Cards (23)

  • What are ultradian rhythms?
    Cycles lasting fewer than 24 hours
  • In what pattern can ultradian rhythms be found?
    In the pattern of human sleep
  • What are the two main types of sleep in ultradian rhythms?
    REM and NREM sleep
  • How many stages are there in the sleep cycle?
    Five stages
  • What happens during REM sleep?
    Brain waves speed up and dreaming occurs
  • How often does the sleep cycle repeat?
    About every 90 minutes
  • What is the first stage of the sleep cycle?
    Light sleep
  • What characterizes stages 3 and 4 of sleep?
    They are deep sleep stages with delta waves
  • What brainwave patterns are associated with stages 1 and 2?
    Alpha waves progress to theta waves
  • What happens to the body during REM sleep?
    The body is paralyzed
  • How many full sleep cycles can a person experience in a night?
    Up to five full cycles
  • What is a challenge in studying sleep cycles?
    Individual differences make patterns difficult
  • What did Tucker et al. (2007) find about sleep stages?
    Significant differences in duration of stages
  • Why is the controlled lab setting important in Tucker et al.'s study?
    It isolates biological differences from situational factors
  • What should psychologists consider in ultradian rhythm research?

    Other situational factors may also play a role
  • What is a potential issue with how sleep research is conducted?
    It may be invasive and affect sleep patterns
  • What does lack of ecological validity in sleep studies imply?
    Results may lead to false conclusions
  • Who is Randy Gardener?
    A person who stayed awake for 264 hours
  • What problems did Randy Gardener experience during his wakefulness?
    Blurred vision and disorganized speech
  • How much sleep did Randy Gardener recover after his experience?
    Only 25% of his lost sleep
  • What percentage of Stage 4 sleep did Randy recover?
    70% of Stage 4 sleep
  • What percentage of REM sleep did Randy recover?
    50% of his REM sleep
  • What does Randy Gardener's case highlight about ultradian rhythms?
    They have a large degree of flexibility