Endogenous Pacemakers & Exogenous Zeitgebers

Cards (26)

  • What regulates biological rhythms?
    Endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers
  • What are endogenous pacemakers?
    Internal biological clocks regulating rhythms
  • How do endogenous pacemakers relate to the environment?
    They can be altered by environmental factors
  • What is the main endogenous pacemaker?
    Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
  • Where is the suprachiasmatic nucleus located?
    In the hypothalamus
  • What role does the SCN play in biological rhythms?
    It controls other biological rhythms
  • How does the SCN receive light information?
    From the optic nerve
  • What does the SCN signal to the pineal gland?
    To increase melatonin production at night
  • What is the relationship between the SCN and the pineal gland?
    • SCN sends signals to the pineal gland
    • They work together as endogenous pacemakers
    • Their activity is responsive to light
  • What did Morgan (1995) study in hamsters?
    Circadian rhythms of 20 hours
  • What happened when SCN neurons were transplanted into normal hamsters?
    They followed a 20-hour circadian rhythm
  • What conclusion did Morgan (1995) reach about the SCN?
    It is crucial for circadian rhythms
  • What are the strengths of Morgan's research?
    • Good internal validity due to controlled conditions
    • Direct observation of circadian rhythm disruption
  • What did Skene & Arendt (2007) find about blind people?
    Some have normal circadian rhythms
  • What is the most important exogenous zeitgeber?
  • How do exogenous zeitgebers influence biological rhythms?
    They reset the biological clock
  • What is melanopsin's role in the body?
    It carries light signals to the SCN
  • How can humans compensate for lack of natural light?
    By using social cues like mealtimes
  • What did Campbell & Murphy (1998) study involve?
    Waking participants at night with light
  • What was the effect of shining light on participants' knees?
    It caused irregular sleep-wake cycles
  • What limitation did Campbell & Murphy's study have?
    Small sample size of 15 participants
  • What are the strengths and limitations of Campbell & Murphy's research?
    • Compelling evidence of light's role
    • Validity of exogenous zeitgebers' effects

    • Small sample size limits generalizability
    • Findings not replicated in subsequent studies
  • Why is replication important in research?
    To check for consistency and reliability
  • What does a lack of replication indicate?
    A lack of reliability in findings
  • Ralph et al (1990);

    took SCN out of genetically abnormal hamsters only had a ciradian rhythmn of20 hours and transplanted them nto rats who had a 24 hour cycle. Found that the rats cyclehortened to 20 hours showing that the SCN is importannt in determinging the length of the cycle

  • What is an exogenous zeitgeber?
    an external environmental factor that resets an organism's biological clock. Exogenous zeitgebers can include: 
    • Light: The most important exogenous zeitgeber, light resets the body's clock each day to maintain a 24-hour cycle. 
    • Social cues: Meal times and work schedules can act as exogenous zeitgebers. 
    • Temperature