Chain of Evacuation

Cards (6)

  • What is the order of the chain of evacuation?
    • Stretcher bearers
    • Regimental Aid Posts (RAPs)
    • Dressing station
    • Casualty Clearing Stations (CCSs)
    • Base hospital
  • What is the role of the stretcher bearers?
    To carry the wounded off of the battlefield
  • RAPs
    • 100m behind the frontline
    • Situated in dugouts, ruined buildings or behind walls
    • Dressed light wounds
  • Dressing Station
    • Most often situated in tents behind the trenches
    • Treated men that were still fit enough to fight
    • Staffed by 10 medical officers and stretcher bearers
    • From 1915 - staffed by nurses as well
  • CCSs
    • 7-12 miles from the fighting
    • Usually 7 doctors and FANY nurses
    • Performed x-rays and operations (e.g amputations)
    • Patients split into walking wounded, needing hospital treatment and no chance of survival
    • Had enough beds for around 50 men
  • Base Hospitals
    • Treated the most serious injuries
    • Located in large converted buildings close to the coast to easily send soldiers back to Britain
    • Had operating theatres, x-ray departments and specialist centres for specific problems (e.g gas victims)
    • Could hold around 2500 soldiers
    • Experimented with new techniques that would be used in CCSs if successful