Observational Design

Cards (15)

  • Observational design refers to how a psychologist would plan and conduct an observation.
    This includes how they plan to collect their data in the observation.
  • There are two types of observational design:
  • Structured:
    Preferable to use these observations; they aim to be objective and rigorous.
    Researcher uses a pre-determined list of behaviour categories and sampling methods.
  • Unstructured:
    Researcher records all relevant behaviour, but has no system.
    May simply write down everything you see.
  • Structured Observation categories are:
    Behavioural categories
    Time Sampling
    Event Sampling
  • Behavioural Categories-
    Researcher needs to be very clear on exactly what behaviour they're looking for.
    It is operationalising-breaking up behaviour in a set of components so it can be measured.
  • Objective-
    Researcher should not have to make guesses about behaviour.
    Categories have to be observable.
  • No waste basket-
    All possible behaviours are covered and avoiding a 'waste basket' category which loads of different behaviours are thrown, unclear where behaviour should be categorised.
  • Independent of each other-
    Categories should not overlap, researcher has to mark two categories at one time.
  • Time Sampling-
    This method records behaviour within a particular time frame.
    E.g. noting an individual is doing every 30 seconds or some other time frames.
  • Event Sampling-
    This involves counting the times a particular behaviour/events occurs in an individual or target group.
  • Inter-rater reliability:
    Extent to which observer's are in agreement with their measurements.
  • Observer bias->
    more than one observer, one may miss important details- may end up with biased observations.
  • Important to make sure that the data is recorded objectively and in an unbiased way.
    Observers have to be trained before hand to ensure that they have inter-rater reliability.
  • This includes:
    >Observers should familiarise themselves with behaviour categories.
    >Do a pilot study to check the categories are appropriate/clearly defined.
    >Compare data they have found and discuss differences in the interpretations.
    >Do the real observation.
    >Analyse the data, correlate the findings to get final figure.
    If results are similar enough, we have IRR.