:-) high degree of control, screenings before to select emotionally stable people
:-( lacks mundane realism, merely play acting to conform to stereotypes
:-( sooo unethical. #8612 suffered severe psychological distress yet was told he couldn't leave - but ethics guidelines weren't a thing yet
zimbardo wanted to investigate the extent to which people would conform to the roles of guard and prisoner
zimbardo procedure
24 male mentallystable individuals
10 guards, 11 prisoners randomly allocated
prisoners - publicly 'arrested', deloused and stripped, numbered
guards - reflective sunglasses to prevent eye contact
planned to run for 2 weeks
zimbardo findings
guard - became increasingly sadistic. taunted prisoners with meaningless tasks. physical punishment but not physical contact
prisoners - attempted a 'rebellion' but later became submissive and unquestioning, deindividuation
stopped after 6 days
zimbardo conclusion
participants behaviour was due to situational factors, not dispositional
explanations for conformity are normative social influence and informational social influence
normative social influence is when people conform to the majority because they want to be liked and accepted
normative social influence evaluation
:-) aschs study
:-( ignores being part of group, individuals can maintain group views
informational social influence is when we conform to the opinion of others because we want to be right
informational social influence evaluation
:-) fein et al. undecided voters could be influenced by witnessing others opinions on the ability/performance of candidates
:-) jenness
:-( asch's study variation, when p's could answer anonymously, they gave incorrect answers
variables affecting conformity are group size, unanimity and task difficulty
conformity rates increase when group size is larger
asch found little different from 3+ confederates - 31.8%
when a group is unanimous, conformity rates increase
when the task is more difficult, conformity increases as the situation is more ambiguous and individuals look to others for answers
asch evaluation
:-) lab study, high level of control
:-( lacks temporal validity, era of mccarthyism
:-( lacks population validity, only mericans
conformity is a change in a persons behaviour or opinions as a result of group pressure and influence
asch wanted to investigate if participants would change their own views to conform to the majority when participants were confronted with a majority who were plainlywrong in their answers
asch procedure
participants placed last in group of confederates. asked to judge an unambiguous line as being the same as another line (ABC). confederates answered incorrectly.
asch findings
3/720 errors in control
37% conformity rate in experimental, 75% conformed atleast once
compliance is the weakest type of conformity. it happens when a person goes along with the group because they want to be included and accepted. public, not private.
identification happened when a group provides membership. its a change in behaviour and beliefs when under the surveillance of the group. moderate. don't necessarily agree with group beliefs
internalisation is where the group provides information and guidance. its true conformity, where both behaviour and beliefs change. public and private. permanent