
Cards (7)

  • locus of control evaluation
    :-) evidence. holland subjected p'sto milgrams shock experiment. categorised p's LoC. 37% categorised as internal were disobedient compared to 23% of externals
    :-( evidence against. schurz found no relationship in a similar experiment with painful skin damaging bursts of ultrasound to learner
  • locus of control is the extent to which the individual feels in control of their own behaviour
  • internal locus of control
    take responsibility for their own behaviour, more likely to resist social influence and behave independently
  • external locus of control
    believe they are controlled by luck or fate. less likely to resist social influence and behave independently
  • social support and locus of control are ways of resisting social influence
  • social support increases chances of someone resisting social influence therefore it reduces conformity/obedience rates
    dissenters are used as they give more confidence and option to go against group
    unanimity makes group powerful, dissenter breaks this
    uniform, location and proximity makes an authority figure powerful
    group consequences are shared
  • social support evaluation
    :-) research evidence, dissenter in asch's research conformity dropped from 37% to 5%
    :-) milgrams research two confederates = obedience dropped to 10%