You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your system
Small changes appear to make no difference until you cross a threshold
An atomic habit is a little habit that is part of a larger system
4 laws of behaviour change: 1) Make it obvious 2) Make it attractive 3) Make it easy and 4) Make it satisfying
All habits involve 4 steps: 1) cue 2) craving 3) response and 4) reward
The habits scorecard is a simple way to become more aware of your habits
Time and location are the 2 most common cues
Habit stacking = when you pair a new habit with a current habit
It is much easier to avoid temptation than to resist it
Eliminate bad habits by reducing exposure to the cue
It is better to rely on systems rather than self-control
Make completion of habits satisfying
Can build better habits by joining culture where 1) your desired behaviour is the normal behaviour and 2) you already have something in common with the group
The normal behaviour of the tribe overpowers the desired behaviour of the individual
3 social groups influence habits: a) family & friends b) the tribe c) those with power & prestige
Cause of habits is the prediction that precedes them, the prediction leads to a feeling
Habits become less and less effortful the more times you execute them
Reduce friction for good habits, increase it for bad habits
2 minute rule: when you start a new habit it should take less than 2 minutes to do
Ritualise the beginning of a habit
Use commitment devices to lock in doing habits
Habit trackers can make completion of your habits more satisfying
Try to get into a habit streak and keep it going
Accountability partners can create immediate costs for inaction
Habits are easier to do and keep when they align with your natural abilities
Goldilocks rule = humans experience peak motivation when working on tasks at the edge of their current abilities
Temptation bundling = pair an action you want to do with an action you need to do
Pointing-and-calling makes a habit more conscious and therefore gives you more control over it
Give yourself a dopamine hit after doing something you want to become a habit
Cardinal Rule of Behaviour Change = what is immediately rewarded is repeated, what is immediately punished is avoided