When a study is complete, it needs to be written up- there's a specific way laid about by BPS:
Abstract= a summary of the study, covering what you found out: aims, method, findings, conclusion.
Introduction= what researchers intend to investigate- a review of previous research, leads logically to aims & hypotheses.
Method= a detailed description of what the researcher did, providing information for replication.
Results= what was found- includes graphs, tables, averages & inferential statistics.
Discussion= researchers offer explanations of the behaviours they observed & might also consider the implication of results and make suggestions for future research.
References= listing all journals/ books/ texts mentioned in the research.
Appendix= should contain all raw data, any materials used such as standardised instructions, tasks sheets, debrief & consent forms etc.
The method is important, as:
It ensures the study is replicable
Means that the test-retest reliability can be established
Ensures that results can be checked for authenticity (prevents fraud).
Identify the target population- refer to a geographic location
Say how you obtained your sample (eg opportunity sampling) & why you chose this method.
Give relevant details, eg how many, age range, background.
Describe the materials used, eg pictures, word lists, instructions, debrief, record sheets etc.
Give plenty of detail and explain why you chose these things.
May want to include an appendix with your materials in- especially if they are difficult to describe.
State the experimental design.
Identify both the Independent Variable conditions.
State the Dependent Variable and how it was measured (operationalised).
Describe the precise procedure you followed when carrying out the experiment.
Include the brief standardised instructions & debrief.
Start with a sentence like "PPs were approached in the college and asked if...".
Consent form needed for PPs:
Title of experiment, name of researchers.
Brief outline of the purpose of research & procedure, including all IV conditions.
Duration, risks/ beliefs, confidentiality, right to withdraw, contact details, place for PPs to sign to confirm they'll participate.
Debrief form:
Title of experiment, names of researchers, thank participant, state what the study is about, contact details.