Reporting psychological investigations

Cards (15)

  • When a study is complete, it needs to be written up- there's a specific way laid about by BPS:
    1. Title
    2. Abstract
    3. Introduction
    4. Method
    5. Results
    6. Discussion
    7. Reference
    8. Appendix
  • Abstract= a summary of the study, covering what you found out: aims, method, findings, conclusion.
  • Introduction= what researchers intend to investigate- a review of previous research, leads logically to aims & hypotheses.
  • Method= a detailed description of what the researcher did, providing information for replication.
  • Results= what was found- includes graphs, tables, averages & inferential statistics.
  • Discussion= researchers offer explanations of the behaviours they observed & might also consider the implication of results and make suggestions for future research.
  • References= listing all journals/ books/ texts mentioned in the research.
  • Appendix= should contain all raw data, any materials used such as standardised instructions, tasks sheets, debrief & consent forms etc.
  • The method is important, as:
    • It ensures the study is replicable
    • Means that the test-retest reliability can be established
    • Ensures that results can be checked for authenticity (prevents fraud).
  • Participants:
    • Identify the target population- refer to a geographic location
    • Say how you obtained your sample (eg opportunity sampling) & why you chose this method.
    • Give relevant details, eg how many, age range, background.
  • Materials:
    • Describe the materials used, eg pictures, word lists, instructions, debrief, record sheets etc.
    • Give plenty of detail and explain why you chose these things.
    • May want to include an appendix with your materials in- especially if they are difficult to describe.
  • Design:
    • State the experimental design.
    • Identify both the Independent Variable conditions.
    • State the Dependent Variable and how it was measured (operationalised).
  • Procedure:
    • Describe the precise procedure you followed when carrying out the experiment.
    • Include the brief standardised instructions & debrief.
    • Start with a sentence like "PPs were approached in the college and asked if...".
  • Consent form needed for PPs:
    • Title of experiment, name of researchers.
    • Brief outline of the purpose of research & procedure, including all IV conditions.
    • Duration, risks/ beliefs, confidentiality, right to withdraw, contact details, place for PPs to sign to confirm they'll participate.
  • Debrief form:
    • Title of experiment, names of researchers, thank participant, state what the study is about, contact details.