Autosomal linkage= when genes that are linked are found on one of the other pairs of chromosomes.
Linked genes are inherited as one unit- there is noindependentassortment during meiosis so they are inherited together.
Recombinant offspring= they have differentcombinations of alleles than either parent.
The closer the genes are on a chromosome the less likely they are to be separated during crossingover and the fewer recombinant offspring produced
Recombinant frequency= measure of the amount of crossing over that happens in meiosis.
Recombinant frequency= number of recombinantoffspring/total number of offspring.
A recombinant frequency of 50% indicates that there Is nolinkage and the genes are on separatechromosomes.
Less than 50% indicates that there Is genelinkage and the random process of independentassortment has been hindered.
As the degree of crossingoverreduces the recombinant frequency also gets smaller. The degree of crossing over is determined by how close the genes are on the chromosome. The closer they are the less likely they will be separated during crossingover.
Chi-squared test
= Measures the size of the difference between the results you actually observe and those you expected to get.
Helps determine whether differences in the expected and observed results are significant or not.
Null hypothesis= there is nosignificantdifference between what we expect and what we observed.
Xsquared= sum of (observed expected)squared/expected
If calculated Xsquared value is less then critical value (at significance 0.05) we cant reject the null hypothesis so there is nosignificantdifference between what we observed and what we expected.
Is calculated value is more than the critical value we reject the nullhypothesis so another factor is causing the significantdifference.
Epistasis= interaction of genes at different loci.