Only affects if there is also a change in the environment.
Genetic drift
= Change in frequency of an existinggene variant in the population due to randomchance.
May cause alleles to disappear completely and thereby reduce genetic variation.
could cause initially rarealleles to become much more frequent.
Gene flow
= Movement of alleles between populations.
Immigration and emigration result in changes of allelefrequencies within a population.
Impact of small populations
Gene pool of a small population results in limited genetic diversity. (Not many different genes and alleles)
So there is little genetic variation with the population.
Cant adapt to change easily.
Selection pressures= changes in the environment, new diseases, prey, competition, human influence.
Density dependent factors= dependent on population size and include competition, predation, parasitism, communicable disease.
Density independent factors= affect populations of allsize in the same way- climate change, naturaldisaster, seasonal change, human activity.
Bottleneck event= large decrease in population size, lasts a generation or more.
Gene pool and geneticdiversity is reduced.
Founder effect= newcolony by a few isolated individuals, small gene pool, lessgeneticvariation. Any rare alleles carried over to the new population will occur at a higher frequency in the new population compared to the old.
stabilising selection= allele frequencies are kept constant over generations.
Eg: birth weight of babies.
Directional selection= gradualchange in allele frequencies over generations.
There is a change in the environment and the normal phenotype is no longer the most advantageous.
Organism which are lesscommon and have more extremephenotypes are positively selected.
Allele frequency then shifts towards the extremephenotypes and evolution occurs.
Eg: peppered and black moths
disruptive selection= extremes are selected for and the norm selected against.