
Cards (15)

  • How do anxiety levels affect eyewitness testimonies?
    They can impair recall of information.
  • What happens to recall when someone experiences high anxiety during an event?
    Recall may be less effective.
  • What were the two groups in Johnson & Scott's study?
    • Weapon Group: saw a man with a knife
    • Non-weapon Group: saw a man with a pen
  • What percentage of the weapon group could identify the man?
  • What percentage of the non-weapon group could identify the man?
  • What is the weapon focus effect?
    It decreases recall due to anxiety.
  • How does anxiety relate to recall in Johnson & Scott's study?
    Higher anxiety leads to lower recall.
  • What did Yullie & Cutshall's study find about anxiety and recall?
    • Witnesses recalled similar answers after 5 months
    • Anxiety from witnessing a shooting improves recall
  • What ethical concerns were raised about Johnson & Scott's study?
    Deception and lack of informed consent.
  • What harm did participants face in Johnson & Scott's study?
    Exposure to a highly stressful situation.
  • What is a limitation of ecological validity in Johnson & Scott's study?
    Participants may have anticipated events.
  • What are demand characteristics in the context of Johnson & Scott's study?
    Participants' expectations may skew results.
  • What does the Yerkes-Dodson law state about anxiety and recall?
    • Recall is best at medium anxiety
    • High and low anxiety impair recall
  • What shape does the Yerkes-Dodson law describe regarding anxiety and recall?
    An inverted U shape.
  • What is the peak recall level according to the Yerkes-Dodson law?
    Medium anxiety arousal.