Cards (4)

  • Chloroplast digram
    A) Thylakoids
    B) Lipid droplets
    C) Ribosomes
    D) Granum
    E) Circular chromosome/DNA
    F) Stroma
    G) Starch Granule
    H) Chloroplast envelope
  • Inside has thylakoid membranes; flattened stack of them is granum (linked by intergranal lamellae), stroma is a colorless fluid-filled matrix containing many different soluble enzymes, starch grains, DNA loops, and many 70s ribosomes
  • Biconvex discs, 2-10 µm long, surrounded by double membrane called 'chloroplast envelope'; outer membrane is more permeable due to more transport proteins
  • Grana and stroma can be seen under a high-power light microscope; thylakoids are visible with an electron microscope, starch granules (sometimes very large) and lipid droplets (products of photosynthesis) are stored in chloroplast