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  • Multi store model - Atkinson and Shiffrin 1968
  • MSM sensory measure has a large capacity and very short duration of 0.5s
  • MSM STM has a limite capacity of 7 plus/minus 2 items and duration is 18-30 secs and is encoded acoustically
  • MSM LTM has an unlimited capacity with lifelong duration and is encoded semantically
  • MSM: attention to STM to rehearsal to LTM via maintenance rehearsal
  • HM case supports MSM - hippocampus removed LTM and STM are separate
  • WMM - Baddeley and Hitch 1974
  • WMM STM is active and has multiple components
  • WMM central executive controls attention and has limited capacity
  • WMM phonological loop deals with verbal information
  • WMM visuospatial sketchpad processes visual and spatial data
  • WMM episodic buffer integrates information from different stores
  • WMM supporting evidence dual task studies KF
  • the three main features of memory stores are capacity, duration and coding
  • the capacity of STM is 7±2 items (Miller 1956)
  • duration of STM is 18-30 seconds (Peterson & Peterson 1959)
  • information is encoded in STM mainly acoustically (Baddeley 1966)
  • the capacity of LTM is potentially unlimited
  • the duration of LTM is can last a lifetime (Bahrick et al, 1975)
  • LTM information is encoded mainly semantically (Baddeley 1966)
  • the three stores of the MSM are sensory register, short-term memory, and long term memory
  • MSM Atkinson & Shiffrin 1968)
  • MSM - info from STM to LTM through rehearsal
  • the sensory register holds sensory information very breviary before processing
  • a limitation of MSM is that it oversimplifies memory, treating STM and LTM as unitary stores
  • WMM Baddeley & Hitch 1974
  • the four components of the WMM is central executive, phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, episodic buffer
  • the central executive allocates and controls the slave systems
  • the phonological loop stores words and reverses sounds (articulatory loop)
  • the visuospatial sketchpad processes visual and spatial information
  • the episodic buffer integrates info from different stores and links to LTM
  • WMM is supported by dual-task studies (eg Baddeley and Hitch 1976)
  • Types of LTM Tulving 1985
  • three types of LTM are episodic, semantic and procedural memory
  • episodic memory is memory for personal experiences, including time and place
  • semantic memory is memory for facts and knowledge
  • procedural memory is memory for skills and actions eg riding a bike
  • episodic and semantic LTM is declaritive
  • procedural memory is non-declarative
  • HM study supports LTM