Examples: white fur, black skin, helps them absorb heat, blend into environment, and hunt prey.
A physical or behavioral change that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment.
An example of an adaptation is camouflage which helps animals avoid predators by blending into their surroundings
Adaptations are traits that increase an organisms chances of survival, reproduction or both
Some adaptations are physical features that an animal has on their body to survive.
Structural adaptations include features such as body shape, coloration, and size
Evolutionary processes can be observed through natural selection, where individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to pass on those genes to future generations
Evolution occurs when individuals with certain characteristics have more offspring than others because those characteristics make it easier for them to survive and reproduce.
The process of evolution involves changes over time in populations of living things as they adapt to changing conditions.
Other adaptations are behaviors that the animal does to survive.
Behavioraladaptations are behaviors that an animal does specially to survive/adapt to their environment.
One example of a behavioral adaptation is migration
When animals move to another location in winter
When animals go into a deep sleep in a comfortable hideout during the winter
Adaptations of a shark
They have a strong sense of smell and are used to the smell of blood to find prey
They can camouflage with the reflection of the sea
Streamlined bodies to swim fast
Gills for them to breathe
They can replace their teeth when they lose/break it, which allows them to chew on hard things
Plants also have their own adaptations
Adaptations of a bat
echolocation allows them to hear predators from afar
bats are nocturnal, which means they can avoid most predators in the day.