OCD is an anxietydisorder that causes repetitive thoughts and behaviours
Someone with contamination ocd may wash their handsandbelongingsmore than necessary
Someone with ocd may feel as if badthingswillhappen if they dont do a compulsion
A compulsion is a repeated behaviour
An obsession is a repetitive thought
Ocd has emotional, behavioral and cognitive characteristics
The anxiety caused by ocd can lead to depression as compulsionsinterruptdailylife
Those with ocd are often hypervigilant of anxietycausingstimuli
Many people with ocd are aware that their thoughtsandactions are not rational
OCD can be explained through specificgenes, such as COMT and SERT
The COMT gene regulates the production of dopamine
The SERT gene affects the transport of seretonin
One form of COMT is morecommon in patients with OCD than those without, leading to higherlevelsofdopamine
Lowered levels of serotonin are implicatedinOCD
The diathesis-stress theory states that noonegenecontrolsOCD but can create a vulnerability for it.
Other stressors affectwhatdevelops
OCD can be explained through differences in braincircuits / neurotransmitters
Dopamine levels are higher with OCD.
When animals are givenenhanceddopaminelevels, they showcompulsivebehaviours similar to OCD
Serotonin levels are lower with OCD.
when given antidepressentsthatincreasesereronin, patients show a reduceinOCDsymptoms
When someone dosent have OCD:
OFC [orbitofrontal cortex] sends a 'worry'signal to the thalamus.
Minor'worries' are suppressed by the caudatenucleus and don't reach the thalamus
When someone does have OCD:
The OFC [orbitofrontal cortex] sends a 'worry'signal to the thalamus.
The caudate nucleus is notable to suppress the 'worry'.
Thalamussendsthesignalback to the OFC, creating a worrycircuit
One weakness of the genetic explaination of ocd is that the genethoughttobecausingocd is also found in patients with tourettes or autism. The gene cannotcauseocd, just a predisposingfactor
One strength of the genetic explaination for ocd is that: Studies show that peoplewithafirstdegreerelative with ocd are 5×morelikely to develop ocd than the general population
Twin studies show that [if the co-twin has ocd] a monozygotic twin is 2× more likely to develop ocd than a dizygotic twin.
however, concordanceratesarenever100%, there must be an environmentalfactor
One strength of the genetic explaination is its realworldapplication.
Fertilised eggs can be testedforocd'causing'genes [however thishasethicalissues]
One weakness of the genetic explanation for ocd is that it is reductionist, it assumes that the relationshipbetweenocd and genes is simple
Ocd is a polygenic disorder, it is caused by variousgenes/neurotransmitters
Candidate genes make someone morelikely to develop ocd [eg. SERT]