Cards (45)

  • Structure of a motor neuron
    A) Dendrites
    B) Cell body
    C) Axon
    D) Schwann's cells
    E) Myelin Sheath
    F) Node of Ranvier
    G) Axon Terminals
  • The peripheral nervous system includes all sensory neurons, motor neurons and sense organs
  • The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system are antagonistic- they don't turn on and off
  • The structure of the sensory neurone
    A) Dendrite
    B) Dendron
    C) Myeline sheath
    D) Cell body
    E) Axon
    F) Synaptic Knobs
    G) Node of Ranvier
    H) Schwann's cells
  • Schwann's cells wrap around the axon
  • The cytoplasm of the schwann's cells is flattened which creates many layers
  • The schwann's cells form a lipid rich insulating layer called a myelin sheath
  • 4 proteins of the Node of Ranvier
    • Na+/K+ pump
    • Na+/K+ leakage channel
    • Na+ voltage gated channel
    • K+ voltage gated channel
  • When a neurone is not conducting an impulse, it is 'resting'
  • The neurone has a resting potential of -65mv
  • Two steps to maintain this gradient:
    • The sodium potassium pumps use ATP to transport sodium ions out and potassium ions in
    • 3 sodium ions move out and 2 potassium ions move in
  • Both the sodium ions and the potassium ions create an electrochemical gradient
  • While resting, the outside of the neurone will be positively charged relative to the inside
  • Voltage gated channels are both closed during a resting potential
  • The 'gates' only open when the potential difference across a membrane reaches a specific value
  • When a stimulus reaches a resting neurone, it causes a slight depolarisation
  • Not every stimulus causes an action potential- if there isn't enough information, it will just go away and nothing will happen
  • Depolarisation causes the sodium gated channels to open at the point of stimulation
  • Sodium ions move through the channel into the membrane causing a rapid influx of sodium ions
  • If a threshold value is reached, even more sodium ions channels open
  • Sodium channels opening as a consequence of a threshold value being reached is an example of positive feedback
  • Sodium ions diffuse along an electrochemical gradient
  • This influx of sodium ions causes a potential difference across the membrane, which is called depolarisation
  • The influx of so many sodium ions causes the inside of the axon to now be positively charged relative to the outside- the potential difference is +30mv
  • The sodium voltage gated channels close as soon as the potential difference inside the axon hits +30mv
  • Repolarisation happens as potassium ions move out of the inside of the axon
  • Potassium ions move out of the axon through potassium voltage gated channels via facilitated diffusion
  • Potassium ions move out of the axon along both a concentration and an electrical gradient
  • The potassium channels stay open after repolarisation, causing hyperpolarisation which is where the axon has a potential difference of -80mv
  • Hyperpolarisation is essential in preventing damage to the neurone from overstimulation
  • Absolute refractory period- no action potential can be generated
  • Relative refractory period- action potential can only be generated if the stimulus is very large
  • Hyperpolarisation makes it so the neurone can only work in one direction
  • Hyperpolarisation ensures that nervous impulses are discrete (separate) which allows the body to distinguish what is happening
  • Action potential- the whole cycle of depolarisation and repolarisation, takes about 3ms
  • Action potential
    A) Action potential
    B) Na+ ions in
    C) K+ ions out
    D) Threshold
    E) Stimulus
    F) Hyperpolarisation
    G) Resting state
    H) Repolarisation
    I) Depolarisation
  • The stronger the stimulus, the greater the frequency of action potentials
  • The magnitude of action potential will never change- this is the all or nothing principle
  • Factors affecting nervous transmission speed
    • Myelination
    • Body temperature
    • Diameter of the axon
  • Myelination- depolarisation only occurs at the Nodes of Ranvier as the nervous impulse 'jumps' from node to node. This is saltatory propogation