
Cards (31)

  • What year did the Spanish presence in the Netherlands begin to concern Elizabeth?
  • Why was Elizabeth considering marriage to the Duke of Anjou?
    Due to concerns over Spanish presence
  • When was the Union of Arras established?
    6 January 1579
  • What did the Union of Arras accept?
    Spanish rule
  • What was the date of the Union of Utrecht?
    23 January 1579
  • What was the Union of Utrecht associated with?
    Northern and Protestant provinces
  • Who did Philip send to regain territory from rebels?
    The Duke of Parma
  • What did the Duke of Parma seek from Elizabeth?
    Covert support for financial aims
  • Who were the two factions mentioned in the study material?
    Robert Dudley and Francis Walsingham
  • What was Cecil's approach compared to Dudley and Walsingham?
    Cecil was more cautious
  • Who did Elizabeth support in the claim to Portugal?
    Don Antonio
  • When did Henry of Portugal die?
  • What did Philip want to gain after Henry of Portugal's death?
    Control over Portugal
  • What key port did Philip want?
    Port of Lisbon
  • What did Philip want regarding the navy?
    More control over the navy
  • What territory did Philip want in addition to Portugal?
    Territory in the New World
  • What was the situation in the Netherlands by 1581?
    Only 2 Protestant provinces left
  • What significant event happened in 1581 regarding Sir Francis Walsingham?
    He was knighted by Elizabeth
  • When was William of Orange assassinated?
    July 1584
  • What was the Treaty of Joinville?
    Alliance between Philip and Duke of Guise
  • What did the Treaty of Joinville signify?
    Growing hostility between Catholics
  • What was the political motive regarding Mary, Queen of Scots, after the Treaty of Joinville?
    No longer a political motive to not support her
  • When was the Treaty of Nonsuch signed?
    August 1585
  • What military support did the Treaty of Nonsuch provide?
    5000 troops and 1000 cavalry
  • What did Elizabeth gain from the Treaty of Nonsuch?
    Brill and Flushing
  • What issues arose with the troops sent under the Treaty of Nonsuch?
    They were badly paid and ill-disciplined
  • What happened to William Stanley and Roland York?
    They deserted and joined Parma
  • What conflict arose between Leicester and the Dutch?
    Leicester argued with the Dutch
  • When did Leicester resign?
    January 1588
  • What was being prepared for after the events described?
    Preparation for the Armada
  • How did Philip exploit the situation after Leicester's resignation?
    He exploited positions of weakness