An atom is the smallest part of an element, that can exist
What are the Polyatomic ions?
Hydroxide, Nitrate, Sulfate, Carbonate.
What is ionic bonding?
Occurs between metals and non-metals
What is an ion?
Charged particles formed from the gaining or losing of outer electrons
When is a covalent bond formed?
Formed when two or more non-metals share pairs of electrons
What are Polymers?
Polymers are largemolecules containing chains of carbonatoms.
What is a base?
Any substance that reacts with an acid to form salt+water. This is a neutralisation reaction.
Why can't ionic compounds conductelectricity as a solid?
When they are a solid the ions are not free to move so when the ionic compounds are dissolved in water the ions are free to move and now electricity can be conducted.
What is electrolytes?
Substances which can be broken down by electrolysis.
Define what an isotope is
Isotopes are different atoms of the same element containing the same number ofprotons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.
Why are metals good conductors of electricity?
The delocalisedelectrons can move through the lattice of ions.
What does a mixturecontain?
A mixture contains differentelements or compounds but they are not chemicallycombined.
How can mixtures be separated?
Using physical seperation techniques such as filtration, distillation, crystallisation or chromatography.