
Subdecks (1)

Cards (16)

  • What is self-disclosure?
    Revealing personal information about oneself - partners reveal more about their true 'self' as relationship develops
  • What effect can self-disclosure have where used appropriately?
    Strengthens relationship
  • Who proposed the Social penetration theory?
    Altman and Taylor
  • What theory did Altman and Taylor propose that self-disclosure is a major concept within?
    Social penetration theory
  • What is the social penetration theory?
    Gradual process of revealing your inner self to someone else - involves reciprocal exchange of information between intimate partners
  • According to Altman and Taylor, what are the two elements of self-disclosure?
    Breadth and depth
  • As breadth and depth increase, partners become more committed to each other
  • A lot of what we reveal at the start of a relationship is superficial
  • What term did Altman and Taylor suggest dissatisfied partners do as they gradually disengage from the relationship?
  • What is 'low-risk' information?
    Information we would reveal to everyone
  • What is 'high-risk' information?
    Intimate, painful memories and experiences
  • What did Reis and Shaver suggest is needed for a relationship to develop?
    Reciprocal self-disclosure
  • Who suggested we need reciprocal self-disclosure for a relationship to develop?

    Reis and Shaver
  • What is the effect of reciprocal self-disclosure?
    Strengthened intimacy and deepened relationship