Types of Long term memory

Cards (8)

  • What is episodic memory?

    A LTM store for Personal Events
    They're 'time stamped' (Dates)
    able to recall people, objects, behaviour and emotions
    Concious recall
  • What is semantic memory?

    knowledge about words, concepts, and language-based knowledge and facts. They are not time stamped or personal.
  • What is procedural memory?

    Stores our knowledge of how to do things. Includes memories of learned skills.
    Unconcious Recall and hard to describe to others
  • What was Clive wearings Involvement?

    Supports the idea that LTM is made of different types. His episodic LTM was damaged by semantic and procedural were in tact.
  • What was the evidence from brain scans?

    PPS carried out various tasks using different aspects of LTM whilst he gave them a PET scan. Episodic and semantic memory were centered in the pre-frontal cortex.
  • 2 or 3 types?

    Cohen and squire challenged the idea of 3 types of LTM. The say that there is procedural and declarative (which is combination of semantic and episodic).
  • What were the findings from the alzheimers studies?

    Many patients have functioning episodic memories by semantic memories are destroyed, proving LTM is not a single store.
  • Is there a fourth kind?
    Perceptual-representation-system is a unconcious LTM responce for cognitive priming. A list of words were given to pps including 'yellow'. which prompted them to draw an bannana or lemon when asked later on.