Divine Command Theory is a religious theory of ethics that suggests moral commands came from God
Two examples of moral commands from God:
The 10 commandments
Jesus's Sermon on the Mount
Roman Catholics take their morality from the Church and the Pope
Evangelists take their morality specifically from the Bible
Pentecostals believe morality comes from the Holy Spirit
Secular means not connected with religious or spiritual matters
Secularethics is not religious, it is based upon moral intuition
Secular ethics follows general rules and values which people live by
Secularethics uses reason and aims to appeal to everyone
In most cases, moral conclusions are shared by religious and secular people
Many secular values are in line with those of one or more religions
Moral commands in scripture are examples of God's will
Obedience to the will of God is key in deciding right and wrong for religious believers
Belief in God + scripture references = moral answers
Whatever God commands must be good, because God is the sources of all goodness, and what he forbids must be evil
Issues with looking to scripture for morality:
Roman Catholics look to the Pope whereas Evangelists look specifically at the Bible
Different interpretations
Conflict with modern belief and the Bible’s teachings: divorce
ProtestantDivine Command Theory believes God is the Creator of everything
Protestant Divine Command Theory believes there must be an organic link between Creator and created (in the image of God, humans have rational and moral character like God)
ProtestantDivine Command Theory follows that human moral behaviour should follow God's commands
ProtestantDivine Command Theory believes in sola scriptura (by scripture alone)
The Ten commandments and Sermon on the Mount are at the heart of ProtestantDivine Command Theory
John Calvin (1509-1564)
Calvin published The Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) which was a defining book of the Reformation and is a pillar of Protestant Theology
Calvin argues for the majesty of God and for justification by faith alone (sola fida)
Calvin argued that God cannot be 'caused' to do anything as this would imply that there is a force external to God
"Divine command Theory is the result of absolute power and sovereignty of God"- John Calvin
"Christians should listen to and seek to understand secular ethical principles but the Christian approach is critical and not one of compromise"- Karl Barth
Karl Barth (1886-1968)
Barth wrote Church Dogmatics, a fourvolume Theologica Summa
Barth was a Swiss protestant theologian
“The doctrine of God must be expressly defined and developed and interpreted as that which it also is at every point that is to say ethics”- Karl Barth