Cards (108)

  • What type of tissue is blood classified as?
    Connective tissue
  • What is the total blood volume for an average adult female?
    4 to 5 liters
  • What is the total blood volume for an average adult male?
    5 to 6 liters
  • What percentage of total body weight does blood constitute?
  • How does blood help maintain homeostasis?
    • Transport of gases, nutrients, and waste
    • Transport of processed and regulatory molecules
    • Regulation of pH and osmosis
    • Maintenance of body temperature
    • Protection against foreign substances
    • Clot formation
  • What is plasma?
    The liquid part of the blood
  • What is the composition of plasma?
    91% water and 9% other substances
  • What percentage of plasma's volume is made up of proteins?
    About 7%
  • What is a colloid?
    A liquid with suspended substances
  • What are the three groups of plasma proteins based on size and charge?
    1. Albumin
    2. Globulins
    3. Fibrinogen
  • What percentage of plasma proteins does albumin constitute?
  • What role does albumin play in the blood?
    Regulates water movement between tissues
  • What is osmotic pressure?
    The tendency for water to move across barriers
  • What do globulins do?
    Transport substances and protect microorganisms
  • What percentage of plasma proteins does fibrinogen constitute?
  • What is the function of fibrinogen?
    Responsible for blood clot formation
  • What is plasma?
    Liquid remaining when clotting is prevented
  • What happens to non-fasting serum color?
    It is cloudy due to lipids
  • What is serum?
    Liquid remaining after blood has clotted
  • What is hematopoiesis?
    The process of blood cell production
  • Where does hematopoiesis occur in embryos and fetuses?
    Yolk sac, liver, thymus, spleen
  • Where is hematopoiesis primarily confined after birth?
    Red bone marrow
  • What replaces red marrow in other body locations in adults?
    Yellow marrow
  • What are erythrocytes?
    Red blood cells
  • What are leukocytes?
    White blood cells
  • What are thrombocytes?
  • What is the longest process of maturation of blood?
    Myeloid Lineage in the marrow environment
  • What is erythropoiesis?
    The maturation of red blood cells
  • Where does erythropoiesis start?
    In the bone marrow
  • What is a proerythroblast?
    A precursor to erythrocytes
  • What characterizes a proerythroblast?
    Deep blue cytoplasm
  • What happens during the general erythroblast stage?
    Hemoglobin synthesis starts
  • How are old or damaged RBCs removed from circulation?
    By macrophages in the spleen and liver
  • What is the lifespan of a mature erythrocyte?
    120 days
  • How many times more numerous are RBCs than WBCs?
    700 times
  • How many times more numerous are RBCs than platelets?
    17 times
  • What is the average RBC count for males?
    1. 4 million/μL
  • What is the average RBC count for females?
    1. 8 million/μL
  • How do red blood cells move in the blood?
    They are passively moved by blood circulation
  • What is the main component of RBCs?