Kohlberg’s Theory (1966)

Cards (22)

  • What does Kohlberg's Theory of gender development suggest about children's understanding of gender?
    It develops through interaction with the world
  • How does Kohlberg's Theory view the process of gender development?
    As a universal process of maturation and socialization
  • What do children recognize during the Gender Identity stage?
    They recognize themselves as a boy or girl
  • What is the first stage of Kohlberg's Theory and its approximate age range?
    Gender Identity, approx. 2-3 years
  • How do children make judgments about gender during the Gender Identity stage?
    Based on external features like clothes
  • What is the second stage of Kohlberg's Theory and its approximate age range?
    Gender Stability, approx. 4-6 years
  • What do children understand during the Gender Stability stage?
    That gender is fixed and does not change
  • What confusion might children experience during the Gender Stability stage?
    Confusion from external changes in appearance
  • What is the third stage of Kohlberg's Theory and its approximate age range?
    Gender Constancy, approx. 7-12 years
  • What realization do children achieve during the Gender Constancy stage?
    Changes in appearance do not change gender
  • What happens when children achieve gender constancy?
    They start learning gender-appropriate behavior
  • What are the three stages of Kohlberg's Theory of gender development?
    1. Gender Identity (2-3 years)
    2. Gender Stability (4-6 years)
    3. Gender Constancy (7-12 years)
  • How does Kohlberg's Theory contrast with Social Learning Theory (SLT)?
    Kohlberg suggests understanding comes later
  • What did Munroe et al (1984) find regarding gender development across cultures?
    The sequence of gender development was consistent
  • What supporting research did Slaby and Frey (1975) provide for Kohlberg's Theory?
    Children with gender identity also had stability
  • What did McConaghy (1975) discover about children's judgments of dolls?
    Children used hair length and clothes for sex
  • What conflicting research did Thompson (1975) present against Kohlberg's Theory?
    Children as young as 2 could categorize gender
  • What did Martin and Little (1990) find about children's gender stereotypes?
    Children held strong stereotypes before constancy
  • What methodological issue does Kohlberg's Theory face?
    It relied on interviews with young children
  • What implication does the methodological issue have on Kohlberg's Theory?
    It may lack validity regarding children's understanding
  • What did Slaby and Frey find regarding children's attention to same-sex models?
    Children in gender consistency watched same-sex models more
  • What are the strengths of Kohlberg's Theory?
    • Empirical support from Slaby and Frey
    • Universal stages found by Munroe et al
    • Empirical support from McConaghy