Gender Schema Theory (Martin & Halverson)

Cards (16)

  • What is a schema according to Gender Schema Theory?
    A basic unit of intelligence (information)
  • How does Gender Schema Theory differ from Kohlberg's theory regarding the age children acquire gender knowledge?
    Children acquire gender knowledge earlier than Kohlberg suggested
  • What is the cognitive developmental aspect of Gender Schema Theory?
    Children develop understanding actively, not passively
  • At what age do children achieve gender identity according to Gender Schema Theory?
    Around 3 years old
  • How do children learn gender-related schemas?
    From adults, peers, and media
  • How does Gender Schema Theory's view on rigidity of gender differ from Kohlberg's view?
    Gender is rigid at age 3, not 7
  • What is the in-group and out-group schema in Gender Schema Theory?
    Children identify with same-sex peers
  • How do gender schemas influence social relationships?
    They affect interactions with same and opposite sex peers
  • How might a child's schema evolve regarding playing with dolls?
    From 'A doll is for a girl' to 'I can play with a doll'
  • What do children do with information that contradicts their gender schemas?
    They ignore inconsistent information
  • How do schemas develop as children gain experience?
    From basic categories to complex categories
  • What are the strengths of Gender Schema Theory?
    • Strong empirical evidence from Martin & Halverson (1983)
    • Children remember gender-consistent information better
    • Martin & Little (1990) support GST with findings on sex-typed behaviors
    • Liben and Signorella (1993) show schemas affect gender behavior
  • What are the weaknesses of Gender Schema Theory?
    • Overemphasis on cognitive factors, neglecting social influences
    • Difficulty in changing behavior despite schema changes
    • Potential gender bias in development timelines
  • What did Kane & Sanchez (1994) find regarding gender schemas and behavior?
    Strong views on equality do not change behavior
  • What did Bauer (1993) find about boys and gender schemas?
    Boys use gender schemas by 25 months
  • Why might girls develop gender schemas differently than boys?
    Girls see mothers in diverse roles