Filter Theory

Cards (4)

  • What are the 3 'filters'?

    1. Socal demography (location, education, social class and ethnic group)
    2. Simularity in attitudes
    3. Complimentairity of needs (They together form a whole)
  • Research support for filter theory.

    Kerchkoff and Davies (1962)
    • 94 students
    • Compared <18 month relationships with >18 month relationships. (self-report)
    • Found that simularity attitude was the most important factor up to 18 months.
    • Over 18 months, complimentairy needs became the most important.
  • Lack of temporal validity
    Online dating apps increase the field of individuals and online dating makes locational factors less of a problem.
    Social changes have led to relationships between ethnic groups.
  • This theory could be reductionist.

    It is too simplistic (complimentairy is vital for success)