3.1.8 Antibiotics & Painkillers

Cards (17)

  • A _________ is a drug that is used to prevent, treat or relieve the symptoms of disease.
  • Do painkillers help to cure an underlying disease?
  • Which type of drug is used to relieve the symptoms of disease?
    Painkillers - they reduce the feeling of pain, which is only a symptom of disease. They don't help to treat the underlying problem.
  • What are some examples of painkillers?
    Paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen.
  • What measures could help to reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance?
    Patients taking antibiotics for the full prescribed course and doctors only prescribing antibiotics for serious bacterial infections.
  • Which type of organism can antibiotics kill?
  • How do antibiotics help to cure bacterial infections?
    They directly kill bacterial cells.
  • True or false? Different antibiotics are effective against different strains of bacteria.
  • Occasionally, bacteria can evolve so that antibiotics no longer kill them. In these cases we say that the bacteria has developed…?
    Antibiotic resistance.
  • What is one example of an antibiotic?
  • Do cold remedies cure colds?
  • It is difficult to develop drugs that kill viruses without damaging what?
    The body’s tissues.
  • What does bactericidal mean?
    Kills bacteria.
  • What does bacteriostatic mean?
    Bacteriostatic means inhibiting the growth or reproduction of bacteria.
  • How does genetic mutation cause drug resistance?
    1. Non-resistant bacteria exist.
    2. Bacteria multiply and a few will mutate.
    3. Some mutations make the bacterium drug resistant.
    4. In the presence of drugs, resistant bacteria survive.
    5. Drug resistant bacteria multiply and thrive.
  • What are antivirals?
    Medications that inhibit the growth and replication of viruses.
  • What are antiseptics?
    Products that kill pathogens on a surface.