Movie poster - know this as in the poster, there are the names of the famous actors, name of the movie, and the name of the directorclearly displayed, making it easy to understand it is a film poster
Clearly advertise the film - does this by framingtitle of the film with simpleblock shapes, making the name of the filmclear and draws your eye to it, creating a focal point
Fitness for purpose
Purpose of poster is to advertise movie called 'The Man With the Golden Arm'
Fitspurpose by displayingtitle of the filmsurrounding the jagged arm, creatinginterest as your eye is drawn to it.
Fitness for purpose
Purpose of poster is to create curiosity about the film
Fitspurpose by creating mystery as it doesn’t showtoo much about the plot, and the block shapes could suggest a maze
Materials and/or techniques
Stencils and simple designs would've made his posters very easy to mass produce
Stencil technique to create the large text in the title
Materials and/or techniques
Bass is famous for his use of simple, geometric shapes and symbolism. Often, a singledominant imagestanding alone to deliver a powerful message
These shapes, as well as type, were often hand-drawn by Bass to create a casual appearance, always packed with a sophisticated message
His ability to create such a powerful message with basic shapesmakes the work even more impressive
Target market/audience
Bold, simplistic, urban style of the poster would've looked very contemporary at the time, appealing to both young men and women.
Target market/audience
Poster is aimed at adult audience, because, the film is about a jazz drummers struggle with heroin.
Subject matter of the film - drugaddiction would've been quite bold at the time
Target market/audience
Frank Sinatra was a huge actor at the time, and was up for an Oscar, with his involvement in this movie, it would've attracted a large audience.
Visual Impact
Your eye is drawn to the black silhouette of the jagged arm, catches your eye because it's unusual, and looks broken in several places, the hand and the fingers seem to be reaching for something
In addition, the arm is also framed by the maze of blocksaround the poster which createsvisual impact
Visual Impact
Typography carefully chosen to reflect urban theme, and location of the movie
Irregular, uneven font makes the title and textinteresting to look at, creating visual impact
Bass worked in a minimal design style
His sophistication of movie posters had a different minimal style such as simplisticshapes, making the posters timeless
Bass worked in a Modern style when designing 'The Man with the Golden Arm' poster
Can be seen in the blocky style of shapes that create a maze, this could've been influenced by Cubism
This suggests that Bass was inspired by Cubism, and Modernism
Two influences - Bauhaus design theory:
Bauhaus design is often abstract, angular, and geometric, with little ornamentation
Reflected in the iconicgraphic design work of Saul Bass, this can be seenthrough his use of unique, and irregularcut outtypography
Two influences - Russian Constructivist typography:
Can be seen in the minimal typography, handful of simple shapes, and stark composition of his posters.
These elements are reflected in his designs as effectivecommunication devices