What is the structure of chloroplasts?
--> Surrounded by a double membrane (envelope)
--> The intermembrane space (the space between the inner and outer membrane membrane - 10nm - 20nm wide)
--> The outer membrane is permeable to small ions
--> The inner membrane is selectively permeable but has transporter proteins embedded - and these are folded into lamellae.
--> The membranes (lamellae) form flattened sacs called thylakoids. Thylakoids within a granum are connected to other thylakoids within another granum by intergranal lamellae
--> Each stack of lamellae is called a granum (plural - grana)
--> The fluid enclosed in the chloroplast is called the stroma
The chloroplast also contains starch grains (a storage polysaccharide), ribosomes (site of protein synthesis), circular DNA (codes for enzymes, for example, rubisco)
-> Chloroplasts have a biconvex shape which increases surface area