6.1.3 Charging and Discharging Capacitors

Cards (12)

  • Time constant of a capacitor resistor circuit = C*R
  • Once the power supply is disconnected:
    Electrons repel one and another and so flow around the circuit dissipating electric heat, once charges have equilibrated there is no p.d and the current = 0
  • lower resistance in a discharging circuit means higher current - ohms law if the current is higher the charge will fall to zero in a faster time
  • Capacitance is a measure of charged stored per rate that the charge flows
  • For discharging graphs of V/t Q/t and I/t
    We can use the equation
    X = X0 e-t/RC
  • Time constant for a discharging graph is the time taken for a discharging capacitor to fall 37% of its original value
  • Equations
    I = Q/t = I = Q/RC
    I = V/R = Q/RC
  • As the switch is closed there is a maximum current in the capacitor as it starts to gain charge from zero as it gains charge
  • Equation for Charging Capacitors:
    I = I0 * e-t/RC
    Equation X = X0(1-e-t/RC)
    Can be applied to pd and charge
  • Pd across all components adds to V0
    V0 = VR + Vc
  • Time constant for a discharging capacitor is the time taken for the charge to fall 37% of its original value
  • Time constant for a charging capacitor is the time taken for the charge to rise 63% of the original value