shoulder, clavicle, AC joints

Cards (11)

  • AP shoulder external

    IR Size: 10x12 CW grid or bucky
    Pt position: seated, supine, or standing with their back against the IR, suspend breathing. patients hand is supinated until the humeral epicondyles are parallel to the IR.
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering 1" inferior to the coracoid process
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 12.5
  • AP shoulder internal

    IR Size: 10x12 CW grid or bucky
    Pt position: seated, supine, or standing with their back against the IR. patients hand is pronated until the humeral epicondyles are perpendicular to the IR. the back of the hand should be against the patients thigh
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering 1" inferior to the coracoid process
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 12.5
  • Axial lawrence shoulder

    IR Size: 10x12 CW screen or grid
    Pt position: supine with shoulder elevated. externally rotate and abduct the arm to form a 90 degrees angle to the body and support the arm. instruct the patient to turn the head away from affected side. place the cassette vertically against the shoulder and as close to the patients neck as possible. suspend breathing
    CR: angled 25-30 degrees medially directed horizontally to the axilla
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 4 or 12.5
  • axial superoinferior shoulder

    IR Size: 10x12 LW screen or grid
    Pt position: seated at end of the table with the upper arm abducted and placed parallel with the long axis of the table. flex the elbow 90 degrees and place the hand in a prone position. place the IR at the end of the table and have the patient lean laterally centering the shouldedr joint over the IR till head away from affected side. Suspend breathing
    CR: angled 5-15 degrees toward the elbow entering the shoulder joint
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 4 or 12.5
  • lateral shoulder transthoracic
    IR Size: 10x12 Bucky or Grid LW
    Pt position: upright with the affected side against the Bucky. patient raise the unaffected arm above the head, elevating the shoulder as much as possible. shallow breathing.
    CR: perpendicular to the IR directed through the thorax exiting the affected surgical neck
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 73 mAs 25 @1 sec
  • PA oblique shoulder "Y"

    IR Size: 10x12 LW grid or bucky
    Pt position: seated or standing facing the IR. rotate the patient affected side down, until an imaginary line between the superior angle of the scapula and AC joints are perpendicular to the IR. suspend breathing
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering scapulohumeral joint
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 70 mAs 18
  • tangential shoulder neer
    IR Size: 10x12 LW grid or bucky
    Pt position: seated or standing facing the IR. rotate the patient affected side down until an imaginary line between the superior angle of the scapula and AC joints are perpendicular to the IR. abduct the arm slightly. Suspend breathing
    CR: angled 10-15 degrees caudad entering 1" superior to the medial aspect of the scapular spine.
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 70 mAs 18
  • AP oblique shoulder grashey

    IR Size: 8x10 LW grid or bucky
    Pt position: seated, supine, or standing with their back against the IR. rotate the patient 35-45 degrees toward the affected side with the arm in a neutral position or externally rotated. Suspend breathing
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering 2" medial and 2" inferior to the superolateral border of the shoulder
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 12.5
  • AP/PA clavicle
    IR Size: 10x12 CW grid or bucky
    Pt position: AP - supine, seated or standing back against the IR
    PA - prone, seated or standing facing the IR
    CR: AP - perpendicular to the IR entering mid-clavicle
    PA - perpendicular to the IR exiting mid-clavicle
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 6-8
  • AP axial/PA axial clavicle
    IR Size: 10x12 CW grid or Bucky
    Pt position: AP axial - supine, seated or standing back to the IR
    PA axial - prone or standing facing the IR
    CR: AP axial - angled 15-30 degrees cephalad entering mid-clavicle
    PA axial - angled 15-30 degrees caudad exiting mid-clavicle
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 6-8
  • AP AC joints Pearson
    IR Size: 14x17 CW grid or bucky
    Pt position: seated or standing back against the IR. center the patient to the IR. One exposure will be taken with weights and one without. suspend breathing
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering MSP and 1" superior to the jugular notch
    SID: 72"
    Tech: kVp 70 mAs 18