SC joints, sternum, ribs

Cards (27)

  • PA oblique RAO sternum
    IR Size: 10x12 LW grid or bucky
    Pt position: place the top of the IR 1 1/2" above the jugular notch. seated, standing or prone. place the patient in a 15-20 degree rao. expiration or breathing tech
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering 1" lateral to the upside of MSP exiting mid-sternum
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 25-30
  • lateral sternum
    IR Size: 10x12 LW grid or bucky
    Pt position: seated, standing, or recumbent position in a true lateral position. the top of the IR should be 1 1/2" above the jugular notch. upright - clasp hands behind the back and arch the back. recumbent - arms above the head. full inspiration
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering lateral border of the mid-sternum
    SID: 72"
    Tech: kVp 70 mAs 15
  • PA SC joints
    IR Size: 8x10 CW grid or bucky
    Pt position: place the patient prone or upright facing the IR. chin should be straight. expiration.
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering at the level of T2-T3 and MSP.
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 8
  • PA oblique SC joints
    IR Size: 8x10 CW grid or bucky
    Pt position: prone or upright facing the bucky. place the patient ina. 10-15 degree RAo or LAO position affected side down). expiration
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering at the level of T2-3 and 1-2" lateral to the upside of MSP
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 8
  • AP ribs upper and lower
    IR Size: 14x17 LW or CW grid or bucky
    Pt position: seated, upright, or supine. the top of the RI is 1 1/2" above the superior border of the shoulder. Place the arms up or rotate the shoulders anteriorly
    CR: upper - perpendicular to the IR entering MSP at a level 3-4" inferior to the jugular notch. inspiration
    lower - perpendicular to the IR entering MSP at the level of the xiphoid process. Expiration
    SID: 40"
    Tech: upper - kVp 66 mAs 16
    lower - kVp 70 mAs 20
  • PA upper ribs

    IR Size: 14x17 LW or CW grid or bucky
    Pt position: prone, seated, or standing facing the IR. the top of the IR is 1 1/2" above the superior border of the shoulder. roll the shoulders forward, full inspiration
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering MSP and T7
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 14
  • AP oblique ribs
    IR Size: 14x17 grid or bucky
    Pt position: place the IR 1 1/2" above the superior border of the shoulder. patient is seated, standing or supine in a 45 degree oblique. adjust the arms out of the field of view. full inspiration
    CR: upper - perpendicular to the IR, bisecting the lateral borders of the patient entering 3-4" inferior to the jugular notch (LPO/RPO)
    lower - perpendicular to the IR, bisecting the lateral borders of the patient, entering the level of the xiphoid process.
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 16
  • PA oblique ribs

    IR Size: 14x17 LW grid or bucky
    Pt position: place the IR 1 1/2" above the superior border of the shoulder. seated, standing, or prone in a 45 degree oblique (RAO/LAO)
    CR: perpendicular to the IR, bisecting the lateral borders of the patient, entering at the level of T7
    SID: 40"
    Tech: kVp 66 mAs 16
  • CR PA Obl Ribs

    perpendicular to the IR, bisecting the lateral borders of the patients, entering at the level of T7
  • CR AP Obl Ribs upper

    perpendicular to the IR, bisecting the lateral borders of the patient entering 3-4" inferior to the jugular notch (LPO/RPO)
  • CR AP Obl Ribs lower

    perpendicular to the IR, bisecting the lateral borders of the patient entering the level of the xiphoid process
  • CR PA ribs
    perpendicular to the IR entering MSP and T7
  • CR AP Ribs upper

    perpendicular to the IR entering MSP at a level 3-4" inferior to the jugular notch
  • CR AP Ribs lower

    perpendicular to the IR entering MSP at the level of the xiphoid process
  • CR PA Obl SC Joints
    perpendicular to the IR entering at the level of T2-T3 and 1-2" lateral to the upside of MSP
  • CR PA SC Joints

    perpendicular to the IR entering at the level of T2-T3 and MSP
  • CR PA Obl Sternum

    perpendicular to the IR entering 1" lateral to the upside of MSP exiting mid-sternum
  • CR Lat Sternum
    perpendicular to the IR entering lateral border of the mid-sternum
  • thorax
    A) sternum
    B) lung
    C) ribs
  • sternum
    A) clavicle
    B) sternoclavicular joint
    C) manubrium
    D) sternal angle
    E) body
    F) xiphoid process
  • ribs
    A) ribs
    B) clavicle
    C) jugular notch
    D) facet for first costocartilage
    E) sternal angle
    F) costal cartilage
  • ribs
    A) true ribs
    B) false ribs
    C) floating ribs
  • rib
    A) vertebral end
    B) head
    C) neck
    D) tubercle
    E) angle
    F) shaft
    G) sternal end
  • rib
    A) vertebral end
    B) angle
    C) costal groove
    D) shaft
    E) sternal end
    F) articular facet of tubercle
    G) neck
    H) articular facets of head
    I) 3-5"
  • rib joints
    A) costochondral joint
    B) sternoclavicular joint
    C) sternocostal joint
    D) sternocostal joint
    E) interchondral joints
  • joints
    A) costotransverse joint
    B) costovertebral joint
  • landmarks
    A) sternoclavicular joint
    B) T1
    C) jugular notch
    D) T2-T3
    E) sternal angle
    F) T4-T5
    G) xiphoid tip
    H) T9-T10
    I) L2-L3