Nature vs Nurture

Cards (4)

  • What is the nature vs nurture debate?
    The debate about whether genetics (nature) or environment (nurture) has a greater influence on a person's development and behaviour, or if it's a combination of both.
  • What does hereditary mean?

    The genetic transmission of both mental and physical characteristics from one generation to another.
  • What is the interactionist approach?

    A way to explain the development of behaviour in terms of a range of factors, including both biological and psychological ones.
  • Attachment nature vs nurture:
    • Nurture = the two-stage model whereby attachments are learned by associations (classical conditioning) and maintained by reinforcement (operant conditioning)
    • Nurture = Romanian orphan studies showing effects of deprivation in early life
    • Nature = Bowlby suggested that attachment was an evolutionary adaption