Determinism = the view that free will is an illusion and that behaviour is governed by internal/external forces that are beyond our control. Free will is the view that we choose how we behave.
What is softdeterminism?
The belief that we can only choose between a limited number of options.
What is biologicaldeterminism?
The idea that human traits/behaviours are governed by internal biological influences like genes and neurochemistry over which we have no control.
What is environmentaldeterminism?
Environmental determinism is the belief that human behaviour is primarily influenced by the physical environment/external forces.
What is psychicdeterminism?
The idea that adult human traits & behaviours are governed by unconscious instincts and drives which are rooted in childhood experiences.
Attachment free will vs determinism:
Learning theory = environmental determinism
Evolutionary theory = biological determinism
Ainsworth's view is deterministic as she said that attachment is determined by sensitive parenting
Free will = some individuals experience extreme neglect/deprivation in early childhood yet still grow up to have healthy relationships in later life