Bias - Gender

Cards (5)

  • What is gender bias?
    Gender bias leads to different treatments of males and females, based on stereotypes and no real differences. Traditionally, most research is conducted on males only and just applied to females whereas females don't always have the same results to studies as males do.
  • What does androcentrism mean?

    Being centred on or dominated by males - can be concious or unconscious.
  • What is alpha bias?

    Theories which exaggerate the differences between males and females.
  • What is beta bias?

    Theories which have traditionally ignored or minimised sex differences. These theories often assume the findings from males can apply equally to females.
  • Attachment gender bias:
    • Bowlby claimed the mother was, by default, the primary attachment figure. Also described children who had experienced disrupted attachments as 'maternally deprived'. However, counter argument is that mothers do have special role because they can provide infant's food.